NFTs Terms of Service

Discover the Terms of Our NFTs

NFTs Terms of Service Introduction

Last updated: June 29th, 2024

These Blockchain-Based Digital Token Collectibles Terms (“Terms”) set forth the terms and conditions applicable to Collectibles (as defined below) made available by the Company by any means, whether through one or more websites, mobile applications or other platforms operated by the Company or by or other delivery mechanism. By acquiring, accepting, using or transferring any non-fungible blockchain-based digital token (“NFT”) made available by the Company, or by using any related Collectible or Collectibles-Related Content for any purpose, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

1. Definitions

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions.

The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or plural.

Definitions For the Terms found in these Terms and Conditions:

Content refers to content such as text, images, music, sound effects, 3D models, textures, pieces of software, or other information that can be found on the Website.

Country refers to The Republic of Poland

Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.

Collectible refers to each NFT made available by the Company and is associated with certain digital works of authorship or other content, whether or not copyrighted or copyrightable regardless of the format in which any of the foregoing is made available. Collectibles-Related Content is separate from the associated NFT and is not sold or otherwise transferred to you but is instead licensed to you as outlined in these Terms. A “Collectible” consists of the applicable NFT and the license rights granted under these Terms concerning the Collectibles-Related Content.

Terms and Conditions (also 'Terms') mean these Terms and Conditions that form the entire agreement between You and the Company regarding the use of the Service.

Third-party Social Media Service means any services or content (including data, information, products or services) provided by a third party that may be displayed, included or made available by the Service.

You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

1.2 General License

Subject to your compliance with these Terms, for as long as you own the applicable NFT, the Company grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, worldwide license under any copyright owned by the Company in any Related Content to display and perform the Collectible-Related Content.

1.3. Other License Rights

1.3.1 Exercise of other licenses

There are no other license rights, whether express or implied, concerning any of the Collectibles-Related Content or any derivative works thereof and no license rights are granted under any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property or proprietary right other than any copyright owned or controlled by the applicable Rights Owner. This is true even if the exercise of any license rights granted herein would be prevented, frustrated or impaired without such a license. Without limiting the foregoing, the licenses granted herein do not grant you the right to and you will not and you will not authorize, permit or assist any third party to exercise any of the license rights granted herein in any way that results in direct or indirect, compensation, financial benefit or commercial gain of any kind to you or any third party, whether currently realized or to be provided in the future and regardless of the nature thereof (whether monetary, conveyance of assets, in-kind products or services or other item or service of value)

1.3.2 Copy

Copy any Collectible-Related Content (other than temporary copies stored in short-term memory on your device for purposes of displaying or performing the Collectible-Related Content on your device), store any Related Content on any device or computer owned or controlled by you, or modify or create any derivative works of any Related Content.

1.3.3 Sublicense

grant any sublicense of any license rights herein

1.3.4 Trademark Notice

Delete, remove or obscure any trademark notice, copyright notice or other intellectual property notice in any Collectible-Related Content.

1.3.5 Hate Speech

exercise any license rights herein to create, endorse, support, promote or condone any content, material or speech that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, racist, discriminatory, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate as determined by the Company at its discretion.

1.3.6 Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineer, decompile or attempt to discover the source code for any NFT or Related Content except to the extent that applicable law permits you to do so notwithstanding this prohibition or use any Collectible-Related Content in any manner not expressly authorized herein or exercise any license rights herein in any manner that violates applicable law.

2. Proprietary Rights

The Rights Owners retain all rights, titles and interests in the Related Content and all copyright or other intellectual property rights in any Related Content. Except for the license rights expressly granted in Sections 2 or 3, above, you do not have and will not have any right, title or interest in or to any Related Content. Without limiting the foregoing, the Related Content may include trade names, brands, logos, trademarks, names, likenesses, images or other personal characteristics of persons or characters (“Embedded IP”). Your use of such Embedded IP is limited to use in connection with the exercise of your license rights under these Terms and subject to all limitations set forth herein and any other restrictions that the Company may inform you of in the future. You may not use any such Embedded IP in connection with any business, product or service, or in any manner that may imply endorsement of any business, message, product or service, or that is likely to cause confusion or dilute, blur or tarnish such Embedded IP. All use of such Embedded IP, including any goodwill generated by such use, will inure to the benefit of the Company and its Affiliates. An “Affiliate” of the Company is any entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Company whether now or in the future and where “control” means ownership of 50% or more of the shares or other ownership interest if an entity or the ability to direct the management or policies of an entity.

3. Ownership of Modified Concept

For any Modifiable Digital Collectible, you will own the copyright in any newly created works of authorship created by you as part of any Modified Content, subject to the Rights Owner’s ownership of the underlying Related Content and any copyright or other intellectual property right therein. To the extent that the Modified Content continues to incorporate or include any Related Content or is otherwise a derivative work of any Related Content, you will not use the Modified Content other than as expressly authorized in these Terms. Other than your copyright as described in the preceding sentence, you will not have and you will not assert or seek to register or obtain, any trademark or other intellectual or proprietary right in any Related Content or Modified Content.

4. Covenant

You understand that the Company and their respective Affiliates will continue to further modify and develop any Related Content and may create works of authorship similar or identical to Modified Works created by you. On behalf of yourself and your heirs, successors and assigns, you irrevocably and perpetually covenant and agree not to file or assert before any court or other government tribunal or authority, any claim, counterclaim, demand, action, suit or other proceeding alleging or asserting direct or indirect infringement or misappropriation of any copyright or other intellectual property right that you may have in any Modified Work against (a) any of the Company, any Third Party Rights Owner, any Affiliate of the Company or any Third Party Rights Owner or any of their respective shareholders, directors, officers, employees, contractors, representatives, agents, licensees, distributors, resellers, or business partners, (b) any customers of any of the foregoing, or (c) any successor or assign of any of the foregoing.

5. Prohibition of Fractionalization

You will not create, sell, resell or attempt to create, sell or resell fractionalized interests in the NFT or the Collectible, separate, unlink or decouple the Collectible-Related Content from the NFT with which it is associated to form the Digital Collectible, or use any Collectible-Related Content or Modified Content to create, sell or attempt to create or sell any new cryptographic token.

6. Transfers

To the extent that you are not prohibited from doing so by any other terms or conditions applicable to a particular Collectible or Collectible-Related Content, you may transfer, sell or resell the NFT to a third party, provided that the following conditions are met:(a) such transfer is conducted through a marketplace or other platform that cryptographically verifies that you are the actual owner of the applicable NFT. (b) such transfer must comply with (i) any applicable terms of the marketplace or other platform on which such sale or other transfer takes place and (ii) any applicable laws, regulations, regulatory guidance and rules. (c) before such sale or other transfer, you must (i) provide written notice to the would-be transferee that such transferee’s exercise of the license rights included as part of the Digital Collectible will be conditional upon such transferee agreeing to be bound by these Terms and (ii) ensure that such transferee is provided with an opportunity to review these Terms. and(d) after such transfer, your right to display and perform the Related Content and all other license rights under these Terms and, if applicable, any Commercial Use License will immediately terminate (without the requirement of notice).

7. Transfer Fee

Upon transfer of any NFT, in consideration of the transfer of the license rights outlined in these Terms, the ongoing hosting of any Related Content and any other services related to the transfer of the NFT and administration of the associated Digital Collectible, you will pay (or cause to be paid) to the Company a fee in an amount calculated by multiplying the total amount paid by the acquirer for the NFT (without any deductions of any kind) by the percentage applicable to the NFT specified in the NFT itself. If the platform or service used to facilitate the transfer captures and pays the full amount of the Transfer Fee directly to the Company then you will have no obligation to pay any additional amounts. You will pay any transaction fees, payment transfer fees and taxes (other than taxes on the Company’s net income) associated with the transfer and will not deduct any such amounts from the amount paid to the Company as the Transfer Fee. All amounts owed hereunder will be paid in US Dollars or a cryptocurrency acceptable to the Company and will be paid to the account or digital wallet designated by the Company. If you have any questions about how to pay the Transfer Fee or where to send a payment.

8. Securities

The Collectible is intended for consumer enjoyment, use and consumption only. It is not a “Security” as defined under the US Securities Act of 1933 or any definition of any other jurisdiction. Moreover, owning a Company NFT or Collectible-Related Content does not grant you the right to any part of the intellectual property, copyright, trademark, trade secrets or profits of the Company or its Affiliates.

9. Additional Benefits

From time to time at their discretion, the Company or its Affiliates may make additional content, physical items or other benefits available to the holder of the applicable NFT (any of the foregoing, an “Additional Benefit”). None of the Company or its Affiliates has any obligation to inform you of or to provide you with, any Additional Benefit and you should therefore not expect any Additional Benefit when acquiring an NFT. It will be your responsibility to keep yourself apprised of the availability of any Additional Benefit and to take the necessary steps to apply for or collect any Additional Benefit. The terms and conditions applicable to any Additional Benefit will be outlined in the information or materials provided with the Additional Benefit. Except to the extent outlined in such information or materials which shall supersede and govern over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions in these Terms, any digital works of authorship made available by the Company as an Additional Benefit will be licensed on the same terms set forth herein for and will otherwise be treated as Related Content. Any physical item provided as an Additional Benefit is not part of the Collectible-Related Content and, except as otherwise provided in any separate terms and conditions applicable to the Additional Benefit, you will not have any license rights under any intellectual property rights in or to any such physical item. Unless otherwise agreed under a binding agreement between you and the provider of an Additional Benefit, any Additional Benefit may be suspended or terminated at any time for any or no reason, including without limitation upon transfer by you of the applicable NFT or termination of any license rights under Section 19 of these Terms.

10. Third-Party Infrastructure and Services

the Company will have no responsibility or liability and you hereby waive and release any claims, arising out of or in connection with any blockchain or related technology, any digital wallet, wallet technology, similar technology or related service, the transfer or loss of any NFT or the inability to demonstrate ownership or control of any NFT, any marketplace or other platform for buying, selling or transferring any NFT other than the Platform, any platform or service provided by any third party or any technology related thereto, any Collectible-Related Content or Additional Benefit provided by any third party, or any terms or conditions applicable to any Additional Benefit, any computer, server, network device or other hardware or any Internet service provider or other telecommunications service or hardware, or any other service, equipment, technology or network or data transfer infrastructure not owned and controlled by the Company.

11. Indemnification

You will indemnify and hold harmless and at the Company’s request defend the Company and its Affiliates from and against any claims, demands, liabilities, damages, penalties, fines, taxes, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with any breach of these Terms or unauthorized use of any Collectible-Related Content, your ownership or transfer of any NFT, or exercise of any license rights hereunder by you.

12. Disclaimer of Warranties

the Company and their respective Affiliates make Digital Collectibles, NFTs and Related Content, as well as any Additional Benefit that any of them may provide, available “AS IS”, “WHERE IS” and expressly disclaim any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose and any warranties arising from performance, dealing or usage in trade.

13. Disclaimer of Damages

In no event will the Company, their owners or their respective Affiliates be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or other non-direct damages of any kind or for any special, punitive or similar damages.

14. Limitation of Liability

The maximum aggregate liability of the Company any third party rights owner and their respective Affiliates for all damages and causes of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, shall be $100.

15. Termination of License Rights

In addition to any other rights and remedies to which the Company may be entitled under contract, at law or in equity, if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms, your right to display and perform the Related Content and any other license rights that you may have under these Terms will immediately terminate without any requirement of notice. Upon termination of your license rights, you will immediately cease all use of any Collectible-Related Content. The Company may disable any functionality for the affected Related Content, prohibit any platform or service from retrieving or rendering any such Collectible-Related Content in connection with the services they provide and take other steps to prevent unauthorized use of any Collectible-Related Content. The Company will have no obligation or liability to you for any such actions and you will not interfere with, or seek to prevent, any such actions.

16. Additional Terms

These Terms supplement any additional terms and conditions in any information or materials provided with any Collectible-Related Content or Additional Benefit (“Additional Terms”). In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Terms and any Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will supersede and govern. These Terms and any Additional Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company or any other Rights Owner concerning the subject matter hereof and supersede any prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements or understandings between you and the Company relating to the NFT, Collectible or Collectible-Related Content.

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms will be construed under the laws of the Republic of Poland as applied to contracts made and performed entirely therein and without regard to conflicts of laws principles to the contrary. All disputes relating to these Terms will be brought solely in the state or federal courts located in the boroughs of Wroclaw, Poland and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such state and federal courts and waive any defense of “forum non conveniens”. Each party hereby expressly waives any right to a trial by jury in any action or proceeding brought by or against either party in connection with these terms.

18. Miscellaneous

These Terms do not and may not be construed to, create any partnership, joint venture or agency between you and the Company. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law and otherwise deemed severable from these Terms and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. The failure of the Company to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any of the provisions of these Terms or to exercise any rights or remedies under these Terms will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment to any extent of the Company's right to assert or rely upon any such provisions, rights or remedies in that or any other instance. rather, the same will be and remain in full force and effect. You may not assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of these Terms (including any rights or obligations hereunder) and any purported assignment, transfer or other disposition will be null and void.